The meeting opened at 10.30am and the President, Pam McGlinn, welcomed everyone.
Present 40 members. Borge Andreasen, Mary Baggott, Trish Bell, Margaret Blundell, Imelda Bourke, Joan Brockoff, Brenda Cameron, Diane Cunningham, Jim Cunningham, Jayne Davis,
Karl Hogg, Dorothy King, Jan Knight, Rhonda MacDiarmid, Tom Marish, Pam McGlinn, Ted McGlinn, Marie Murray, Kerry Philipou, Philip Potter, Charlie Proctor, Helen Rawlings, Dorothy Rhodes, Gwen Richards, John Richards, Rita Richards, Vicki Rollinson, Kath Sewell, Gail Shore, Betty Siegman, Barbara Skurr, Margareta Tauni, Polly Thomas, Tommy Thomas, Tony Thomson, Gwynn Wakeham, Gloria Watson, Fay Wynd, Henriette Vanechop .
Visitors: Sandy Freeman, Barbara Kiathner.
Apologies were received from
Margaret Barnett, Beth Buckley, Pat and Ross Carlton, Marie Cioccarelli, Tina and John Collis, Lesley Gosling, Valda Lambert, Helen and Kevin Leslie, Judith Marish, Eva Seale, Irene Smith, Sheila Taylor, Robin and Paul Walker.
Minutes of the previous AGM held at Diggers @ The Entrance on December 9, 2015 (a copy of which was provided at each table) were adopted on motion by Tony Thomson and seconded by Karl Hogg.
Matters arising from the Minutes – none.
Pam McGlinn presented her President’s Report (separate) in which she thanked all those members who work hard to keep Tuggerah Lakes U3A viable. Especially appreciated are those who regularly provide technical expertise, leadership, clerical skills or host classes and meetings in their homes. Given the challenge of ensuring we have suitable and inexpensive accommodation for classes, the recent offer from Rhonda to host the Mah Jong group in her home is most welcome.
Rhonda MacDiarmid presented the Treasurer’s Report (separate) and explained that due to the necessity of moving more classes away from Diggers the expenditure on rent had greatly increased. However this had hardly affected the final balance of $8,857.99 (2016) versa $9051.87 (2015). Moved by Rhonda and seconded by Mary Baggott that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted.
Proposed Pam McGlinn and seconded Betty Siegman Clause 14.3 of the Constitution of Tuggerah Lakes U3A Inc shall be amended by replacing the works “by prepaid post (including newsletter)” by the words “either by email (in the case of a member who has opted to receive the Association’s newsletters by email) or by prepaid post”.
Pam McGlinn explained the reason for the Special Resolution and, after being moved by Pam and seconded by Diane Cunningham, the Special Resolution was put to the members and passed by a show of hands of more than 75% of those present.
The President vacated the chair and Sandy Freeman, the U3A Regional Representative, acted as Returning Officer.
Nominations had been received and seconded for eight positions and, there being only one nomination for each position, Sandy Freeman declared the following members elected for 2017:
President Vicki Rollinson Vice President Pam McGlinn
Secretary Margaret Blundell Treasurer Rhonda MacDiarmid
Betty Siegman (Newsletter) John Collis (Membership)
Gail Shore (Welfare) Helen Rawlings
Vicki Rollinson introduced herself and spoke about how keen she was to help promote Tuggerah Lakes U3A.
After the main business of the meeting was completed the members discussed various issues.
- Tony Thomson asked how to attract new members in our area. Tony also took the opportunity to explain the reasons why the Discussion Group was moving from The Entrance Community Centre to ‘Banksia’ (near IGA) on Sir Joseph Banks Drive, Bateau Bay.
- Sandy Freeman suggested that, as we have a lot of competition from local seniors’ facilities that have their own programs, an attractive website and an A4 laminated poster featuring a member enthusing about their involvement with U3A might help.
-Diane Cunningham reminded members about using Community Transport.
-Pam McGlinn talked about introducing a one sheet per term sign-on system (an idea gleaned from ‘My U3A’ at the 2016 Eastlakes Regional Conference) which would be easier and more efficient than the current system. Sandy reminded us that Sign on Sheets are Statutory Documents so must be kept for seven years.
Three examples of work done by the Creative Writing class were presented to the members.
Jan Knight read her short story about refugees helping to revitalise a worn-out country town.
Pam McGlinn read a short piece written by Mavis Wallace about a Christmas gift and Gail Shore read
her story about a young boy’s feeling of terror during a weekly walk home at night.
The meeting closed at 11.30am.
Light refreshments (including a Christmas cake provided by Betty Siegman) were then served.