
Welcome to Tuggerah Lakes on the picturesque central coast of New South Wales. Situated north of Gosford, the Lakes are surrounded by many communities including Wyong, The Entrance, Lake Haven and Toukley. Here you will find a wide spectrum of age-groups and occupations.

Retired and semi-retired people are well-represented, and they are what our U3A is all about.... we offer opportunities for mature people to stimulate their minds by continuing to learn and discover, on a voluntary basis.

Tuggerah Lakes U3A is a non-profit association which provides a variety of adult educational activities at minimal cost for members. These include talks, lectures, and special interest groups. We also have occasional outings to places of interest.

No qualifications are required to join our U3AU3A is short for University of the Third Age, meaning an association of people, mostly retired, who are interested in learning, exchanging ideas and participating in joint educational activities. and attend lectures or courses. Nor are there any examinations. Attendance at each course, and at each session, is purely voluntary.

The social side of our activities is important to us. Most sessions include a twenty minute break for morning or afternoon tea, so we can meet and become acquainted with our friendly, interesting fellow-members.

Please look around our website. If you would like to know more, phone Pam McGlinn on (02) 4390 2451 or Christine Kilner on 0426 278 902.

Enquiries: Pam (02 4390 2451) or Christine (0426 278 902)

Page last updated: 16 January 2025.

© 2025 Tuggerah Lakes U3A Inc.

ABN 58 915 942 551

All Rights Reserved.